Green Lane Primary School has a 12 place, school led Resourced Provision (RP) for children with Developmental Language Disorders. This is an inclusive provision and children can be referred at any stage of the primary school years. However, early identification and entry are most favourable in order to maximise progress. All children attending the RP have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and places are allocated following a consultation process driven by Bradford’s SEND Team. Parents are welcome to visit Green Lane to observe how we work, and once consulted we will endeavour to visit each child in their setting in order to see if the RP is the most appropriate setting to meet the child’s needs.
The RP is managed by a specialist teacher who works closely with Teaching and Learning Partners, and is supported by Speech and Language Therapists, from Bradford NHS Trust who will come in and work with children weekly. The Speech and Language Therapist will observe and assess the children before setting targets that can be worked on in school by the children’s Teaching and Learning Partners and class teacher. The Therapists coach support staff to ensure that speech targets are revisited daily. The RP staff form part of a team with class teachers, outside agencies and families.
Whilst all children are supported in class, each child will be encouraged to work independently when they are able to. They have individual programmes of targeted work aligned to their EHCP. The balance of this will vary according to the needs of individual children at different times. The children continue to have ongoing assessments in order to track progress and evaluate the effectiveness of different interventions and strategies. Like all children throughout the school, RP children will receive curriculum assessment levels at the end of every term.
We follow statutory processes for annual and termly reviews with parents and appropriate outside agencies. Parents are always welcome to request a meeting at any time if there are particular issues that they would like to discuss.
Staff use a wide range of specialist strategies including Makaton signing, colour and shape coding, cued articulation and augmented communication devices to support communication. Staff have positive handling training to support emotional regulation.
The school promotes self-efficacy for all learners and a growth mind-set as the most effective approach to learning. Children are encouraged to embrace new activities and challenges, always have a go and view mistakes as an important part of any learning journey.
Green Lane provides a wealth of activities in school for children, for example Gross Motor and Food Technology. There is a strong emphasis on experiential learning and we enable all children to go on educational visits. In addition, children from the RP have the opportunity to visit a variety of places to develop their communication and life skills in real situations. For example, children may be encouraged to order food in a café or ask for railway tickets; begin to cross the road or shop independently.
We host a half termly ‘walk round’ which parents can book onto. If you would like to discuss the Resourced Provision or arrange a visit please contact the school on 01274 774644.