School Values and Ethos

At Green Lane Primary School, we take our aims and our vision seriously.  In creating our vision we have worked alongside staff, governors, parents and children to create a statement that we think is simple, and reflects our aims for the school.

We believe we have a duty to equip our children for life beyond primary school as our children’s learning matters. Our inclusive Green Lane Curriculum is designed to broaden horizons, enthuse, inspire and to maximise every learning opportunity. Alongside a strong focus on English and Maths skills, our outdoor education and visits and enrichment curriculum enables us to bring the learning to life.

We want our pupils to be ambitious and driven to become life-long learners.  Central to this at Green Lane is our drive to instil a love of reading, books and literature into all pupils so that they are able to access the opportunities life will present them with.  We want to develop learners who are inquisitive, not afraid to ask questions and who challenge knowledge.

Through our curriculum we aim to develop the essential knowledge, skills and understanding that are the building blocks for later life; an important aspect of this is identifying pupils’ talents and seizing opportunities to develop these further.  We know the importance of language and want to develop pupils who have the vocabulary and social skills to interact effectively.




